Currently, I'm persuing Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at CUET. I'm a fast learner and a hard worker with high responsibilities, strongly determined to utilize the valuable time. Aimed to build a versatile and challenging career in the positive and dynamic environment of a well-reputed organization where the opportunity to utilize the knowledge and experiences is available for professional career development.
Contact: +880 188 921-1 881
As an Executive Member at "Alor Bahon," a non-profit, I contribute to charitable initiatives like providing food and clothing to the underprivileged, organizing blood donation drives, and supporting homeless children and orphanages. Working with a compassionate team, I aim to bring positive change to communities facing challenges. This experience enriches my understanding of social issues and allows me to actively contribute to building a brighter and better society.
As an executive member of the CUET Career Club, I played a key role in creating a dynamic environment for academic and career development. Working with a dedicated team, we empowered students through valuable resources, events, and discussions on topics like studying abroad and preparing for the BCS examination. My contributions enhanced leadership and organizational skills, fostering a thriving community at CUET for networking and mentorship.
Chittagong-4349, Bangladesh
Grade: 3.72/4.0
Thousands+ algorithmic problems solved on various online judges(Codeforces, Codechef, Atcoder, Hackerrank, BeeCrowd).
100+ Contest Participation.
Newbie | Highest Rating: 1179
15+ Contest Participation.
Highest rating: 1418 | Global Rank:39700 | Country Rank: 1254
20+ Contest Participation.
Global Rank: 48117th | Highest Rating: 126 ― 11 Kyu